Acuerdos para la transparencia en la experimentación animal
Dr. Lluis Montoliu. CNB-CSIC y CIBERER-ISCIII, Madrid, España El uso de animales de laboratorio en investigación científica es un tema sensible que genera enconados debates en la sociedad, con partidarios y detractores polemizando sobre la necesidad de seguir o no empleando animales de experimentación para el desarrollo de la biomedicina. Tradicionalmente, los grupos contrarios a […]
Let’s talk about sex! Porque ambos sexos necesitan consideración equivalente: de una perspectiva científica, económica y ética
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sabine ChourbajiInterfakultäre Biomedizinische Forschungseinrichtung(IBF) der Universität Heidelberg.Alemania In the light of political pressure, discussions about reproducibility and a continuously increasing emotional challenge in the field of animal research, there need to be strategies to overcome such problems and work on trust in science. Regarding limitations of in vivo research, a serious […]
Nuevas terapias celulares para cáncer y transplantes
Durán Struuck Raimon Co-Director – Laboratory Animal Medicine Residency Program Dept. of Pathobiology University of Pennsylvania. USA Las terapias celulares son una herramienta muy prometedora para mejorar el resultado del trasplante de órganos. Catapultado por los resultados recientes en cáncer líquidos, como linfomas, el campo de inmunoterapias se está expandiendo para cáncer sólidos y otras […]
Preclinical Development of tissue vaccines for cancer immunotherapy
Dr. Mark ZuckowUniversity of Kentucky U.S.A Cancer remains a significant disease that affects millions worldwide, even though great progress has been made in strategies related to diagnosis and treatment. The idea that the immune system can be strategically harnessed as an approach to cancer treatment offers possibilities for therapy that have recently received great attention. […]
Animal Models of Neurodegerative Disease
Dr. Robert Quinn SUNY Upstate MedicalUniversity of Syracuse.USA As the lifespan of humans has lengthened, neurodegenerative diseases have had more of an impact on quality of life as previously they may not have expressed prior to death from other health conditions. As these diseases become “more prevalent”, research into both the underlying pathological processes and […]